our collective development services

Boost your professional team to confidently achieve your goals

Team Coaching

Do you want to optimize your professional team’s performance and achieve your goals with confidence?

Are you wondering how to boost efficiency and cohesion within your team to ensure the success of your projects?

The goal of team coaching is to support the development of collective performance in a team, in a consistent and measured way, so that the result of the whole exceeds the sum of its members. 1+1=3.

Group Dynamics 87%
Cohésion 95%
Motivation 90%

Team Coaching Process

This involves defining the framework and terms of the coaching, clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the coach, the team, and the organization. During this stage, we establish the criteria and success indicators for the coaching. This phase occurs during an initial meeting between the leader and the coach, culminating in the signing of a coaching contract.

The second meeting is dedicated to a detailed understanding of the objective. We transform your goal into a project with clear objectives and indicators. If your objective is not yet precise, don’t worry; you will define it in partnership with the coach. Together, we refine your expectations and determine the criteria and indicators of success. This crucial phase lays the foundation for personalized support tailored to your needs. A coaching contract formalizes our commitment, ensuring a partnership focused on learning and results.

is involves reviewing the coaching process, assessing the team’s progress and achievements, celebrating successes, and preparing for the next steps. This phase takes place during a final tripartite session, where the conclusion of the coaching contract is validated and the work accomplished by the coach and the team is acknowledged.

Group Dynamics 87%
Cohesion 95%
Motivation 90%

Team Coaching

Do you want to optimize your professional team’s performance and achieve your goals with confidence?

Are you wondering how to boost efficiency and cohesion within your team to ensure the success of your projects?

The goal of team coaching is to support the development of collective performance in a team, in a consistent and measured way, so that the result of the whole exceeds the sum of its members. 1+1=3.

Team Coaching Process

This involves defining the framework and terms of the coaching, clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the coach, the team, and the organization. During this stage, we establish the criteria and success indicators for the coaching. This phase occurs during an initial meeting between the leader and the coach, culminating in the signing of a coaching contract.

The second meeting is dedicated to a detailed understanding of the objective. We transform your goal into a project with clear objectives and indicators. If your objective is not yet precise, don’t worry; you will define it in partnership with the coach. Together, we refine your expectations and determine the criteria and indicators of success. This crucial phase lays the foundation for personalized support tailored to your needs. A coaching contract formalizes our commitment, ensuring a partnership focused on learning and results.

is involves reviewing the coaching process, assessing the team’s progress and achievements, celebrating successes, and preparing for the next steps. This phase takes place during a final tripartite session, where the conclusion of the coaching contract is validated and the work accomplished by the coach and the team is acknowledged.

This involves defining the framework and terms of the coaching, clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the coach, the team, and the organization. During this stage, we establish the criteria and success indicators for the coaching. This phase occurs during an initial meeting between the leader and the coach, culminating in the signing of a coaching contract.

The second meeting is dedicated to a detailed understanding of the objective. We transform your goal into a project with clear objectives and indicators. If your objective is not yet precise, don’t worry; you will define it in partnership with the coach. Together, we refine your expectations and determine the criteria and indicators of success. This crucial phase lays the foundation for personalized support tailored to your needs. A coaching contract formalizes our commitment, ensuring a partnership focused on learning and results.

is involves reviewing the coaching process, assessing the team’s progress and achievements, celebrating successes, and preparing for the next steps. This phase takes place during a final tripartite session, where the conclusion of the coaching contract is validated and the work accomplished by the coach and the team is acknowledged.

Example of Collective
Coaching in Business

Martin contacts us regarding a coaching request to foster cohesion within his team of 8 people. During the first session, he expresses that there are no clashes or conflicts within the team, but there is also no interaction. He feels that the team is a collection of individuals not leveraging their collective potential.

Analysis and hypothesis

It will be important to align with Martin on the issues, context, and corporate culture to propose a process that builds trust. We hypothesize that the team structures its meeting time between withdrawal, rituals, and activities. It is an efficient team that does not waste time discussing personal interests and engages minimally in psychological games.

chosen coaching proces

Based on a fictional scenario, team members share their worldview and responsibilities. The Baron exercise, in this case, was appropriate to highlight different modes of thinking

Through specific feedback, the goal is to assess the level of tension, unspoken issues, language distortions, unexpressed expectations, freedom in the relationship, and satisfaction regarding the quality of the connection

After establishing the essential trust environment for openness, guided by the coach, the team engages in authentic feedback using the Keep/Improve/Start/Stop (KISS) model.

Results obtained

These exercises will allow the team to surface their needs and foster a relationship of intimacy and sincerity. They will then decide together on new ways of operating, such as delegated meetings and creating dedicated moments to continue sharing authentic feedback.

Martin contacts us regarding a coaching request to foster cohesion within his team of 8 people. During the first session, he expresses that there are no clashes or conflicts within the team, but there is also no interaction. He feels that the team is a collection of individuals not leveraging their collective potential.

Example of Collective
Coaching in Business

Analysis and hypothesis

It will be important to align with Martin on the issues, context, and corporate culture to propose a process that builds trust. We hypothesize that the team structures its meeting time between withdrawal, rituals, and activities. It is an efficient team that does not waste time discussing personal interests and engages minimally in psychological games.

chosen coaching proces

Based on a fictional scenario, team members share their worldview and responsibilities. The Baron exercise, in this case, was appropriate to highlight different modes of thinking

Through specific feedback, the goal is to assess the level of tension, unspoken issues, language distortions, unexpressed expectations, freedom in the relationship, and satisfaction regarding the quality of the connection

After establishing the essential trust environment for openness, guided by the coach, the team engages in authentic feedback using the Keep/Improve/Start/Stop (KISS) model.

Results obtained

These exercises will allow the team to surface their needs and foster a relationship of intimacy and sincerity. They will then decide together on new ways of operating, such as delegated meetings and creating dedicated moments to continue sharing authentic feedback.

Corporate Training

These training sessions can be conducted online or in-person, and we can cover a variety of topics according to your needs.

Our training sessions are fun and interactive to promote retention and lasting behavioral change.

Leadership 87%
Performance 93%
growth 92%

Training Descriptions

Leadership development aims to enhance managers’ team management skills. These training sessions enable participants to become more effective leaders, capable of motivating and guiding their teams to success.

Examples: Leading participative meetings, change management, manager-coach…

Human Resource Management Training covers a wide range of topics related to the company’s most valuable asset: its employees. These trainings are designed to help HR managers and managers optimize talent management and create a memorable employee experience.

Examples: Recruitment and talent acquisition, goal setting and performance management, diversity and inclusion…

These trainings aim to help individuals improve their personal and professional skills, thereby fostering personal growth and achieving career goals. They include aspects such as time management, interpersonal skills development, and resilience.

Examples: Giving and receiving feedback, improving interpersonal communication, developing resilience at work…

Leadership 87%
Performance 93%
growth 92%

Corporate Training

These training sessions can be conducted online or in-person, and we can cover a variety of topics according to your needs.

Our training sessions are fun and interactive to promote retention and lasting behavioral change

Training Descriptions

Leadership development aims to enhance managers’ team management skills. These training sessions enable participants to become more effective leaders, capable of motivating and guiding their teams to success.

Examples: Leading participative meetings, change management, manager-coach…

Human Resource Management Training covers a wide range of topics related to the company’s most valuable asset: its employees. These trainings are designed to help HR managers and managers optimize talent management and create a memorable employee experience.

Examples: Recruitment and talent acquisition, goal setting and performance management, diversity and inclusion…

These trainings aim to help individuals improve their personal and professional skills, thereby fostering personal growth and achieving career goals. They include aspects such as time management, interpersonal skills development, and resilience.

Examples: Giving and receiving feedback, improving interpersonal communication, developing resilience at work…


A team coaching session typically involves group activities, discussions guided by the coach, practical exercises, and constructive feedback to address the team’s specific challenges.

All teams within an organization can benefit from team coaching, whether they are newly formed teams, cross-functional projects, or existing teams looking to improve their dynamics.

Signs include frequent conflicts, ineffective communication, decreased productivity, lack of collaboration, or increased pressure related to business challenges.

The benefits include improved collaboration, more effective communication, optimized conflict resolution, increased productivity, and strengthened team member engagement.

Book your free
discovery session 😉 🙂

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