A comprehensive method to maximize your potential with serenity 😌

Our inclusive approach is designed to unlock your full potential with serenity, implementing concrete actions through a variety of exercises and practical tools. This holistic method ensures comprehensive consideration of all aspects of team dynamics, thereby promoting overall improvement in performance and quality of life.

A comprehensive method to maximize your potential with serenity 😌

Our inclusive approach is designed to unlock your full potential with serenity, implementing concrete actions through a variety of exercises and practical tools. This holistic method ensures comprehensive consideration of all aspects of team dynamics, thereby promoting overall improvement in performance and quality of life.


We draw from theories such as Spiral Dynamics or Transactional Analysis to support holistic growth.


By embodying full presence, the coach serves as the anchor in the storm, providing guidance that creates a space of trust and openness. We use the GROW model to structure coaching sessions.


They turn theory into action. They place you at the heart of the action, promoting the practical application of tools for effective integration of insights into your professional life.

Implementation of concrete actions to achieve your goals


Our approach aims to clarify your needs, talents, obstacles, and aspirations, guiding you effectively in implementing concrete actions to achieve your projects and dreams.

We tailor our support to your pace and individual style, integrating the latest advancements in neuroscience, positive psychology, and emotional intelligence for sustainable and fulfilling transformation.

The coaching relationship invites you to focus on your priorities, choices, and what you are willing to implement to reach your goals.

Implementation of concrete actions to achieve your goals


Our approach aims to clarify your needs, talents, obstacles, and aspirations, guiding you effectively in implementing concrete actions to achieve your projects and dreams.

We tailor our support to your pace and individual style, integrating the latest advancements in neuroscience, positive psychology, and emotional intelligence for sustainable and fulfilling transformation.

The coaching relationship invites you to focus on your priorities, choices, and what you are willing to implement to reach your goals.

There are several types of situations
in which coaching can be fruitful.



  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Public speaking


Particular situations never addressed before

  • Professional onboarding
  • New managerial role Career redirection


Complex environments

  • Team cohesion
  • Conflict management
  • Process improvement.

Accelerate progress
towards achieving
your aspirations


Our coaching is neither therapy nor counseling: it focuses on the present and the future. It considers your unique personality and addresses the professional issues related to your individuality. We implement various types of coaching: person-centered coaching, relationship-centered coaching, and managerial coaching.

In individual coaching, the aim is to guide you towards finding your own solutions through questioning, metacommunication, reframing, confrontation, sharing analysis and observations, granting permissions, and using metaphors to facilitate your progress.

A manager may need to work on roles, role management, process management, or meaning management.

In team coaching, it is beneficial to use recognition signals, identify processes and management levels, and structure time or organize meetings effectively.

Accelerate progress
towards achieving
your aspirations

Our coaching is neither therapy nor counseling: it focuses on the present and the future. It considers your unique personality and addresses the professional issues related to your individuality. We implement various types of coaching: person-centered coaching, relationship-centered coaching, and managerial coaching.

In individual coaching, the aim is to guide you towards finding your own solutions through questioning, metacommunication, reframing, confrontation, sharing analysis and observations, granting permissions, and using metaphors to facilitate your progress.

A manager may need to work on roles, role management, process management, or meaning management.

In team coaching, it is beneficial to use recognition signals, identify processes and management levels, and structure time or organize meetings effectively.

C-Jacomin Coaching

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